Conscious Marketing’s not just for healers, teachers and Health…

Conscious Marketing and Spirituality

Spirit, our essence, is omnipresent with every coach and every client. When we market our businesses with Spirit, we encompass all that is available. Let us refer to all that is available as Source. If we do not include Source, something is missing. Because Source is always-present, what is missing in this word so_ _ ce? You are (soURce).Conscious Marketing with Spirit suggests you can welcome, reveal, and understand this Spirit. When we run the business with pur­posefulness—relegating what is not purposeful to the background; deleting attachment to results; trusting what happens is for the highest good of ourselves, our clients, and all concerned; being in the present moment, available, connected to ourselves, one an­other, and the whole; choosing our responses, in a state of wonder and curiosity, being of service and being grateful for all of this—then, we run our business with Spirit.

Questions you can Ask Self While managing with Spirit-

  •  How can I be of service now?
  • How is this purposeful for me?
  • Is this issue my “stuff” or my client’s?
  • What action is for the highest good of all concerned?
  • What is the best way to connect? For each of us? For both of us?

Life Purpose

The ultimate spiritual question throughout the ages has been “Who am I?” or “Why do I exist?” and this is where it begins. After identifying the trail of purposeful­ness, the next hurdle is to become aware of when one is off track and to learn how to jump back on. Some become sidetracked for moments; others veer off course for years.

Ouch! Is your website costing you sales? Find out with a free audit.**

** Not another disguised sales pitch. No strings attached. Applicable tips.

Strong coffee and nearby seating is highly recommended, but not mandatory.